Creating a Business Structure

The term “Business” is used frequently in today’s society. The word “Business” is used to refer to all types of organizations, not just businesses. All businesses are actually related, but a specific feature of each type of business is determined by its nature.

A business can be defined as any organized entity or body, even an individual, that undertakes to conduct commercial, industrial, and/or professional activities for profit. A business can be an individual or institution. Businesses are organized to meet the societal need of creating new products and/or services, while ensuring the availability of those products and/or services. Individual businesses may be self-organized as well.

Individuals are not corporations or legally defined entities. Companies are organized bodies of people and therefore have a definite legal structure. A company is considered to be the collective body of people who own and run it, with shareholders or members holding key positions in varying degrees. Every employee within a company has a specific role and a monetary reward based on his or her performance. Profits and losses occur throughout a company and are reported quarterly or annually. All profits are only realized when there is a sale or transfer of a company asset; otherwise losses occur and are reported as “expense”.

ENTities or corporations are different. ENTities are considered to be legal entities, though they are not financially incorporated. ENTities are able to manage their own affairs and have their own cash flows and profits. ENTities can also transfer their shares in a transaction if they so desire. Entities are usually more successful because they have a better understanding of how a business operates and how to make a profit within a given industry.

A C corporation is most often the most popular option for small businesses in the United States. A C corporation is an unincorporated private partnership which is recognized by the IRS as a trade corporation. A C corporation does not have to file a Schedule C, as it is considered a pass-through entity and is thus not subject to the same filing requirements as other types of businesses.

Every successful entrepreneur must create and develop a business plan detailing the products and services that will be offered to a consumer. The most common form of business plan that most entrepreneurs use is a simple single page layout. Two pages are required for C corporations, but many more can be created for more complex operations. Business plans are important documents that businesses must carefully consider before deciding whether or not to proceed with a certain venture. Without a detailed business plan, there is a great chance that the business will fail and the entrepreneur will lose all potential profit. A business plan is a valuable asset for anyone looking to start a business.